This last weekend we spent the entire time preparing foods and canning them. We put up green beans, soup, peas, and turkey meat, just to name a few items.
I read and read the manual on how to do it. I asked cousins who have been canning all their lives questions. I didn’t just start peeling and cleaning the vegetables and sticking them into jars. I had to prepare – reading, gathering the vegetables, purchasing the canner, reading how to work it – to be able to perform my duties.
During the process I thought, “This is what learning to be a Christian is all about!”
We have to do Bible studies; we have to read our Bibles we have to ask those with wisdom and knowledge of the Bible questions to be able to learn.
Anything we do in life takes time. We don’t become perfect just because we are born again Christians. We are a process in works. An art form that God created. Some of us, it may take years to master or complete, others catch on very quickly.
Just like anything we do – whether it is canning or learning to speak a foreign language – we also have to study and listen and learn to become better Christians.