Monday, August 30, 2010

Life Is For Living

Life is for Living

When we are young, we learn through watching others, hearing what our parents, grandparents or other important adults in our lives had to say or do, and in general doing what they said (or at least we did when I was growing up).

We learned what we all thought was the right way to be or the right way to act. Some of us learned to curse or swear, some learned to accept whatever life gives us, some of us learned to be independent and not take anything off of anyone, some of us learned to love, some of us learned to hate, some of us learned to dream, some of us learned ….nothing about who we are or what we do today.

For many years, I walked a path that I thought was pleasing to all. I would be what this one wanted me to be or that one wanted me to be – all the while never being who in life I really wanted to be or thought I could be or should be. I accepted that as a way of life.

After going through a very volatile marriage and divorce, I broke the chains that had held me in a holding pattern, as I call it, of life. I was going in circles, making the same mistakes over and over.

In making my decision to break my chains, I had to examine my life and the people I allowed in it. In doing so, I learned that many in my life were not good for me at all. They weren’t supportive of ideas, or dreams or the direction my life was going. They were jealous of material things I had or places I was going. I dealt with my demons from my past – the people who had hurt me, the hurts of growing up, the fear of not being a success in life, the fear of being self-supportive, the fear of failure. One day, I gave all those woes, people, hatred, hurts - anything negative – I just gave it away.

I gave them to God. In doing so, I learned that life is for living. For living it to it’s fullest, for smiling, for finding joy in the simplest of things, for saying “Who cares?” on trivial matters, for waking up with a renewed hope and faith that God loves me for who I am – not what someone else wants me to be.

I realized how hurtful things that people say to a child can damage them for life, unless that child finds the hope and desire for better. I remember the, “you will never amount to anything.” or the “You aren’t smart enough to do that.” For years, I believed every word. Not any more. We can all be anything we desire. We can be successful in our own ways.

God tells us, “Cast all your burdens on me.” We think that we can handle our own destiny and problems. We think we are the tough ones and WE can do it all. We don’t have to. There is no sweeter joy, than giving a problem to God and letting Him work it out.

I encourage you to live life to it’s fullest. Find your joy. God doesn’t want us to always be in bondage. Walking, talking and pleasing God, will surely help you find your peace. Live your life to it’s fullest. Pass a good one – today and everyday!

1 comment:

  1. So true about the things said to a child. They don't understand a lot so they follow. And in order to keep hurt away will change themselves to do what the adult wants--in the process, losing their own identity in life. TV has been a babysitter for too long. I cringe when I see so many parents carrying their babys in carriers instead of holding them. Children need that closeness, the touch, smell of mom and dad. Just as a child of God, I need to be close to Him so I can know who, what I am and where I am going in life. God Bless You.
