Sunday, September 12, 2010


A friend of mine went off on her husband today. I mean really went off on him. Shouting, screaming, and cursing. I’ve never heard her do that in a long time.

I can understand to an extent why she did what she did, but not to the level she took it.

She is the bread winner of the house. Everything they have belonged to her prior to the marriage. He has a bad habit of not listening to what she says she needs done – even more correct, he has a bad happen of listening to everyone BUT her when it comes to repairs.

For instance, this morning it was, take the van back to the repair shop, the wires are exposed and they need to be enclosed like it was prior to the wreck and mounted closer to the under carriage and there needs to be more than one screw holding the adapter.

As in the past, he allowed another “man” to guide him as to what or how the wires should be handled. Each time “hubby dearest” doesn’t listen, it ends up costing my friend mega dollars in one form or another.

Friend arrives at dealership, gets out and explains to the repairman: “I need the wires to be enclosed in the plastic tubing so that the wires are protected from the weather.” “OH that’s what you want.” Says the repairman. Then looking at hubby dearest, he says “why didn’t you say that in the first place?”

Girlfriend was furious that hubby dearest couldn’t follow simple instructions.

I thought of the ranting and raving. And, I thought of “how would Jesus have handled that situation?

I am so grateful we have a loving, kind God who gently leads us. I’m glad that we aren’t shouted at. I cannot even imagine how God feels when we do not follow his instructions. I’m glad we are forgiven for our mistakes.

I hope my girlfriend reads this, and perhaps, they can both apologize to each other – he for not listening and her for being overtly too much!

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