Saturday, December 11, 2010

Away from Home

Away From Home

I have often wondered how a soldier may feel – miles and miles from home during Christmas. Easter, Fourth of July, and other holidays do not seem to have the sentimental feeling that Christmas has for many. And, I have thought of young men and women in prison – missing their families for the first or 40th time during Christmas.

Christmas was never a “big thing” in my home growing up. When I became an adult, I made sure there was a tree. I also started my own traditions – things that I wanted to share and do each year. One of the things we do is adopt a family. We buy or make for each of the children and then do a little something for the parent(s).

I do not always go home for Christmas – in fact, I’ve not had Christmas at my Dad’s in a very long time. There are reasons. Not everyone can go home for Christmas, like the soldiers or the inmates, or people with “reasons”.

I’ve learned to open my home to people who are alone during Christmas. I try to share my joy and spirit of Christmas with others. Others, who for some reason or another “can’t go home”,

But, I, too, have spent a lot of “alone” Christmas’. During that time, I did find a peace. A peace in knowing that our baby Jesus was born. A peace in knowing that God loved us enough that He gave His only begotten son to save us from our sins. And, a peace in knowing that all is well in my home. I count the blessings that I have each day. And, maybe for a moment, like the soldiers or an inmate away from family, there is a tingle of hurt or pain, but there are far too many things to be blessed with than to allow hurt to overcome the day –

So, wherever you are celebrate the birth of Christ and don’t flutter about who isn’t with you – because one thing is certain – God will never leave you nor forsake you!

Pass a great Christmas spirit on to others! And, if you could take the time, think of a veteran or someone else who is away from their family this holiday season.

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