I have started praying more. I find myself talking to God in the weirdest of places - the bathroom - the closet - and I'm learning to listen more.
One of the things I have started doing on FaceBook is when someone says, I need a prayer or there's a prayer request - I post my prayer right then! I don't post it for self-gratification - I post it to let the person know - YES I am praying with you and for you - I post it as I pray. I am posting it because God says, "if you deny me before men, I will deny you..." If that person posted then, then I am going to pray when they post - I won't wait until later - they post because they need the prayer then - not later.
I do not ever want to be denied by God.
And, what better way to witness to someone who may not be a praying person or may not know how to pray - but to pray online in front of the world?
I have lost FB "friends" over my prayers. I quickly realized those aren't friends. A friend will want you to pray with them and for them and will never be afraid of the power of prayer.
Prayer has been taken out of our schools - people are afraid to pray in public. I REFUSE to allow that! We are still in America people - where we have freedom of religion and speech!
Speak out - Pray out - Be known as a praying person - and I do believe that you will be forever blessed! Ya'll pass a good one!