Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I sat here listening to the storm roll in this morning, feeling safe and secure in my old house with the heat already churning warm air out of the vents in preparation for the impeding cold front, wondering how many of us are really prepared for the storms in our own lives?

I wondered how many of my friends or people I pass in a given day know Jesus as their personal Savior?

I know without faith, prayer, wisdom and fortitude I couldn't have made it through some of my life's storms. Without the word of God in my mind or studying it, I wouldn't know how to handle myself.

For years growing up we rely on others to keep us safe and sound in the storms - but as adults - we have to maneuver those roads ourselves.

"When I was a child I spoke like a child; I acted like a child, but when I became a (wo)man I put away childish things."

I'm very blessed that in my life's storms I have a rock to cling to... I hope you do as well.

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