Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Building Planter Boxes

We are building more planter boxes today.  We use these planter boxes for planting vegetables.  In making these next three it was important to cut a pine tree down.  

Now, Jess is great at tearing down, cutting down, but angling things maybe not so.  The one pine, the smallest of them all, nearly toppled the other direction.  

For a few fleeting moments - I thought of the damages with Hurricane Rita and all the trees and fencing I had lost.  Jess raced as fast as his arthritic knees would carry him to get a board to prop it up and a rope to tie it off with.  I roped the tree and he put the back end of the rope to my little truck and pulled the rope taut.  We were able to get the jammed saw from between the bottom and the top of the tree.   And, eventually, the tree fell where we needed it to.

As he is out cutting the limbs off and cutting the tree up to be hauled to the street, I have sat in amazement.  

We could have both been hurt badly.  With quick thinking - working together -  we were successful.

We stand tall as a tree when things are going well for us.  We sway with the seasons as the tree sways to the wind.  We are the tree that topples from side to side when things or people hurt us.  Depending on our strength depends on how we survive the storms of life.  

I think that life is a lot like that tree.  Just as we were cutting that tree's trunk close to the bottom, we get our knees knocked out from under us from time to time.  The rope we used, can be compared to God reaching His arms out to keep us from toppling and holding us taut.  Then, when we fall, God is there to hold us in His comforting, loving arms.  

Our Father may allow us to fall, but that is only to make us look UP and build that faith.  Life isn't down in the dumps, wallering in our past, constantly brow beating ourselves.... it is a faithful walk with God that leads us Home.  

Like the tree, we sway in the wind, but like the rope - God is always there holding us taut - and when we work God's plan in our lives - we are successful.  

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