Caught Him
Today I caught a guy stealing and hiding stolen property on my property. I confronted him. He got away. He is the same person terrorizing the neighborhood with thefts. The cops say they can’t catch him. Amazing. One guy – and they can’t catch him.
After the officer took my information, he didn’t ask for a statement, I went back home. I was later phoned by Beaumont Police Department to meet the officer back at the location.
I went. The officer asked if I would “hold the stolen property, in case the probable owners come back and I can return it to them so he didn’t have to itemize it in his report and it would be more convenient for the owners.”
I raised my glasses, and said, “Officer, you want me to hold stolen goods on my property in hopes that I find where it came from because you don’t want to do the paperwork? Do your job!”
After all the dust had settled, I was sitting enjoying the fresh cooler air that seems to be blowing in. I thought, of the scripture that says “Servants be obedient to them that are your masters (employers) according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart as unto Christ; Not with eye-service, as men pleasers but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart. With good will doing service as to the Lord and not to men.” Ephesians 6: 5-7 To me, that means we work for someone as if we were working for God. We just don’t work when they are around.
Are you giving your employer “eye service”? Do you work as if you were working for the Lord? I think we all have days when we are slack but I also think we should be more aware of the responsibilities and costs that an employer has and be more stewards towards those we work for.
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