Sunday, October 24, 2010

Friends on Facebook

Friends on Facebook

Me and another friend were recently chatting in private about facebook. He says, “I think we are all seeking attention in some manner by posting parts of our lives on Facebook.”

I differed in opinion to him. “Then what do you think it is?” he asked.

I said, “I think it is sharing the fun things and good parts of our lives with friends, without putting real personal stuff on there and then when we have woes our friends pick our spirits up and know when to pray for us.”

“Wow, I never looked at it like that before.” He said.

I read so many posts and wonder, “do these people really have a life?” Then I read the prayer requests. Then I read someone is a new grandparent or someone who has been looking for a job just found one or someone who is my age is going back to school. I read the good things that make me happy to read.

There are a few who are unhappy with life. No one can please them and if you dare state an opinion opposite to what their opinion is then you are blasted or cursed. I’ve decided, like in my normal life, to delete those persons who create drama or grief.

I deleted people I knew and even family members several years ago from my life – the ones who gave me grief or were not supportive of who I was and what I was making of myself. My life hasn’t been totally stress free, but I hear from others these people are the same way.

What a waste to go through life trying to please others and not be who we are suppose to be.

I love to read Psalms 139 when I feel this way. God knew me when I was still in my mother’s womb. He created me. He knew my most intricate parts. Why should I allow, even for a few moments, someone to steal my joy by reading their negative or being around negativity?

I’m not. There are delete buttons on a computer and in life! Enjoy your day – every day – all day – and just pass a good one!

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