Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Family Members

It's a sad day when families divide, especially when it is over lies, hate, discontent, jealousy - things that are trivial to when we get to where we are going - as in the "after life".

I have an Aunt who several years ago phoned to ask for forgiveness for something she had done.  As I told her, I forgave you long ago.  "I am asking for forgiveness, but I don't want to see you."

I've held that to be strange.  You ask for forgiveness then you still ex-communicate someone from your life who did nothing wrong in the first place.  Once again, I forgave.

This Aunt is dying.  She has cancer.  The chemotherapy is tough on her.  She isn't holding things down and now is getting a feeding tube.

I would love to go and hug her one last time while she is alive.  I would love to be able to "clean the slate" before she passes.  She was always a favorite Aunt to me, she still is - because I hold the memories of my childhood with her versus the ugly caused by someone other than she or I.

Instead, I pray - and I send cards to her.

Folks, life is just way too short for families to be divided.  The Bible states that the beginning of the end of time is when families divide.  I am not for certain that means God is coming again - but I do believe it means that when families divide - that is the end of that family.

I do have family members that I chose not to be around - if they came to my house - I wouldn't be rude nor bad to them - I just don't go see them nor do I go to places where they may be, because I do not chose to have their drugs, their lies, their schemes -around me.  I do not chose for a few to be my constant, nor infrequent, visitor - for my safety and the safety of my home.

We may not agree with family members - and that's okay - but to out and out cut them from your life if they were a part of it to begin with - well - that seems an awfully lonely path to have to follow and how will you explain that when you get to Heaven?

We are born into a family - but sometimes the friends become our family -so, in my eyes,  family is what we end up with in the end - blood or no blood.

Ya'll pass a good one!

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