Sunday, January 30, 2011

When things go wrong, we must choose the way of courage. We must go on with life, doing the best we can, living one day at a time, trusting God to bring it out right. The psalmist did not say, "I will meet no evil"; he said, "I will fear no evil."

Saturday, January 29, 2011

"My plate is full." I keep thinking to myself as I went through the house picking up things that were just "left" where they landed - many things that I didn't put - and I suppose that imaginary person who lives here "IDUNNO" put it there. I have PI/quilt/construction businesses. Each, requires a certain amount of my brain and time - somedays one has to take precedent over the others. "But who put all that on your plate?" asks my conscious. "I did" I respond.

I did because I have to make a living - I did because I wanted that other house and I didn't want it torn down - I did because it gives us something to do together. I did it. And, most days rather than less days - I can handle it all without frustration(s) nor anxiety.

I stopped long enough today to think what all is going on in our world. I think we have accomplished a lot and will continue to do so. My grandmother used to say "idle hands are the devils workshop".

I also thought about all the begging, pleading, crying, prayers that God hears from all of us each day. His plate is full as well, I am sure.

In thinking along that line, I suppose I will try to shoulder what God has blessed me with - as I know He will put no more on me than what I cannot bear - and in the end - I am so much richer for them.

I shall not whine, but give thanks for the trials or tribulations - in the end - I will appreciate the blessings that much more.

I will attempt to count my enemies as a blessing - as they make me stronger and more reliant upon God and myself.

Sometimes we are our own worse enemies - we volunteer for too many things, say "yes" too many times, and over burden ourselves way too often. I'm going to start asking God for more guidance before I jump up and volunteer. And, I'm going to praise him for the abilities in life that He has given me.....

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Friday, January 28, 2011


Jess is undergoing a lot of medical tests. We believe that he has the beginnings of Alzheimers. "A" is not nothing nice. We have very "lucid" days - and then there are the "foggy days" . Recently we have had fewer foggy days - only because we've stuck to a routine and there hasn't been any confusion around him.

I've made up my mind, that as this "A" progresses, I want to accept and not always be right - I'm thinking that will cut down on arguments. I don't always have to be right. And, in his mind, he is right. As long as I can keep thinking straight for both of us, that's fine.

I want to dance every chance we get, hold his hand as often as possible, I want to walk in the rain or on the beach. I want to steal a kiss during the day. I plant memories in my mind of things that he does, the way he walks, how hard he works. I want to be spontaneous - but not to a point that it confuses him. I want to listen to him as he speaks his mind. I want to finish projects that we have started.

And, even if there comes a day when he doesn't know who I am - I will always know who he is.

Once we know for certain - we will blog our journey.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

When we love God and accept his love for us, then we can suddenly see things differently. We see all the beautiful things he has graciously given us. Everywhere we look, everywhere we see reminds us of God and all that he has lovingly prepared for us. Real gratitude gives us a new relationship with God an causes us to see miracles everywhere.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

We are so much like the man who became so upset when the neighborhood children walked in his freshly poured, concrete drive. His wife said to him, "Why are you so angry? I thought you loved children." "I do love children," he said, "but I love them in the abstract and not in the concrete!" Too often, we repent in the abstract; we don't become concrete enough.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

It's easy to love those who are attractive to us. It's easy to love those who love us back. But unconditional love? Now that's something else. Love to all freely given, love expecting nothing in return, love with no strings attached, love even to those who hurt us. Only God's Holy Spirit can give us the strength to love like that; only God's Holy Spirit can enable us to love like Jesus loved!

Thursday, January 6, 2011



When Hurricane Rita hit us, we had no clue for several months what to do. I think I personally went into a state of shock for a while. My office was gone, computers, trees, our store was damaged and everything in it – it was a mess.

We were very blessed with friends who came and assisted us in getting things as back together in bins and cleaning up the debris as possible. But it wasn’t the same place any more.

We got hit again 3 years later; about the time that we were starting to pick up the pieces and get our lives back together again. Another kick back.

We’ve worked hard all summer long. First we had termite damages that had to be taken care of. Then we started on repairing the roof of the “old store”. More mold, debris. Going through boxes and boxes of books – throwing away those that were moldy or damaged. It just seems it’s been a long journey.

Today I m back in my office, my original office – which later turned to a store. It will never go back to being anything but my office. The majority of this portion of the house is restored. We are working on the rest of it. But, I am home.

It feels good to be home. There’s a feeling of peace that comes with each repair. It’s a feeling, “I’m home.”

The road has been a journey – with lots of speed bumps and huge potholes – not to mention tears. I think those have been placed in the journey to make me appreciate all that I have, all of my blessings and everything and everyone around me.

Neighbors have stopped in to hug me and tell me how much they’ve missed me. Even some whom I put in prison that are out have stopped by to tell me hello and that they missed me.

I suppose you can wander from home – but home is where you hang your heart – I’m looking forward to getting my earthly home refurbished and everything organized. But more importantly, as I go through life, I hope that I am also making the preparations for my Heavenly Home – because that’s going to be the one that counts the most!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Thinking of Others

I sometimes wonder when folks say, “I’ll be thinking of you.” If that is what they really mean or is that just something they are saying?

Sometimes I think I may phone someone too early or too late in the mornings or evenings. You know that you are old when someone calls after 9pm and says, “Were you sleeping?” And, you are really old when you have to say, “Yes!”

I do think of others – or at least I try. I think as Christians we are suppose to pray for one another, help one another where we can and love one another.

I rejoice in good news from friends. I love hearing about their doings and goings. I love seeing the pictures of their families, or their vacations, or projects that they are working on.

I cry when one of my friends hurt or is sad or has lost a loved one. I hurt for them.

Saying all of this doesn’t mean that you get into the middle of someone’s business and tell him or her how to run his or her lives. It means that we are to be caring, as we would want them to care for us. We need to take more interest in our neighbors and friends. Don’t let them use you or take your kindness and thoughtfulness as a weakness. But, show interest in what they are doing.

I think if more parents and grandparents showed interest in what their children were doing, there possibly could be more family unity.

Philippians 2:4 “Don’t just think about your own affairs but be interested in others too and in what they are doing.”

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Speaking at a Funeral

“I’m dying,” said my friend stoically to me. I looked at her with bewilderment not knowing what to say or do. I wanted to hug her, I wanted to cry. But the expression on her face was a look that I cannot even describe.

“Okay, when?” I asked.

“Soon. I have stage 5 cancer.”

We sat there quietly for a long time.

“What are you going to say about me at my funeral?” She asked.

“Uhm I didn’t know I was saying anything at your funeral.”

“Yes, you have to – you know me the best. Even the preacher won’t get it right – but you will.”

I had to make a promise to a dying friend that I would speak at her eulogy. She had already told the preacher not to preach – that I would handle the speaking parts.

I left dumbstruck. And, then I thought about my own life. What will people say about me when I’m dead? Have you ever thought of that question? And, then I wondered, “How many people would come to my party?” See, I’m being cremated, and have instructed in my Will that there be a party – a celebration of my life.

I want folks to look at an old house and think of me, or look or touch a quilt and feel my warmth; I want them to smell a rose in the garden and feel me with the wind that blows through their hair; I want to be remembered in lots of ways – and not laying in a casket.

I’ve thought of what I am going to say about my friend. I am going to talk on John 3:16. Angie is one of the most devoted Christians – and how better to rejoice with her life – than to make sure that others accept Jesus as their Savior as well.

And, I’m going to think more about my life – and hope that as I make my journey that I am touching folks in a positive manner. I want to leave a footprint in their hearts and minds – in a wonderful way – and not someone they would rather forget.

Monday, January 3, 2011


I have a friend, an older gentleman, who just cannot seem to grasp manners at a table. He cannot stuff his mouth or belly quick enough. I am to the point I cannot eat a meal at the same table as he. I have gone through autopsy photos during meals, read crime scene information with the blood guts and gore, but I just cannot bring myself to eat around him.

At meal times when he is around, I often think of Jesus when he went to the wedding and made the wine or when he took the loaves of bread and fish and divided it among so many. I would doubt there was gluttony among those eating and drinking.

Manners go a long way for a person – not only in their personal life but also in their professional careers. Who wants to sit at a table across from someone smacking, or talking with food in their mouths, or not even wiping their mouth while they eat?

That is one thing I am very glad that I was hard on my son regarding his table manners. Many a mother would call and compliment me on how well Patrick’s table manners were.

I think when we eat – our bodies are a Temple of God.

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, 20 for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

And, I think that means the way we eat and drink.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Princess


I have a friend who keeps calling her daughter Princess and the child tells the little sister, “Do this or that because the Princess says”.

I don’t like that. I think it plants a false seed in a child’s mind. I think that it is cute to a degree – but teaches the child a falsehood of life.

Life isn’t going to be about that child being a “Princess” – think of the rejection she will have from other peers and classmates. One child is called a “Princess” and not the other. Where does that leave the sibling?

I think it is setting the child up for failure. If the “princess” doesn’t get what she wants, then how will she react? This “Princess” recently told me “when you come see me you are suppose to bring me presents, because I am a Princess”

I quickly informed the child that was rude to ask or tell someone to bring her a gift. I think this is really stretching “fairy tale living”.

God says, “I made you when you were still in your mother’s womb. I know the most intricate parts of you.” Why would we want to be anyone else other than whom God made us? And, why would we want to teach a child that fiction is the truth?

Children live what they learn. And, when a child is given false encouragement, the child is doomed for failure and heartbreak. Teach a child to love herself for whom she is – and not something fictional!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you!! A day of new beginnings. A day of new promises. A year full of hope!

I have a desire for each of us. Colossians 1:9-11

"do not cease to pray..and to desire that you might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. That you might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power; unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness...."

I'm going to try to be thankful even in the tough times - there are reasons that we go through them - perhaps to toughen us up for the next tough time or to teach us lessons of life.

God doesn't "punish us" by putting us through the tough times - He is forming us.

So let's be "formed" in the way God would have us be. Don't ask God for guidance if we aren't willing to move our feet!