Sunday, December 12, 2010



Beginning with Thanksgiving through after the first of the year, many people suffer from depression. The reasons are many. To name a few, they are alone; they are short on money and want to purchase gifts; they spend too much money; holidays remind them of Christmas’ past – the litany could go on – but I’m sure you get the picture.

We have all balanced some form of depression in our lives – from grief of losing a loved one or a pet – perhaps we didn’t consider it depression – but to a point, that’s what it was.

Many people battle depression on a regular basis. They fail to eat properly. Many even forget to get up or they drink or they smoke or they forget to take baths. Many forget to even comb their hair or brush their teeth. Many do not care about their appearance. And, there are some who dress to the “nines” put on a façade face and are still depressed.

Psalms 46:1 tells us “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”

Psalms 34: 17 says “The righteous cry out and the LORD hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles.”

Isn’t it wonderful to know that when we do feel down and depressed that we can give our troubles to God? Depression can be cured – not only on the physical end – but the spiritual as well. Many of us have deprived ourselves of the joy of going to God and laying our troubles on him.

Give it to God – whatever it is – and leave it there. He can do much more with your depression than you can. Hold fast to your prayers and fasting. And, never – ever – give up. Call upon His name.

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