Wednesday, October 27, 2010



I have learned a lesson in humility today from a young friend. I was asked to make a Rodeo Queen Contestant dress for a friend named Hayley. Hayley is a senior this year, her last year to be able to ride in the arena, to try out for rodeo queen. Her grades are above any parent’s dream. She has a great disposition.

I learned today that after all the mistakes, a protest and recalculation of points, Hayley should have been awarded 2nd runner up in the rodeo queen contest. The officials would not do anything to change the status since the rodeo was already over with

I was upset. I was angry. I was disheartened knowing how hard Hayley had worked on her speech; the hours spent getting gussied up, working with her horse to be deprived of her rightful title.

Her mom asked me not to take any action. Hayley chose to not hurt the other girls who have the titles – even though they truly didn’t earn them. She didn’t want anyone else’s feelings hurt.

I think that takes a lot of guts to say, “it’s okay; it’s over and done with, and let’s move on.” Not a lot of seventeen year olds can do that.

Hayley showed me that having a title isn’t near as important as making the initiative to go out for the Rodeo Queen position. She showed me that she knew she had done her best and that was all she required of herself. Prior to the competition I told Hayley, that in my eyes, she was already a winner for what all she had accomplished, worked for, earned and had done.

Her attitude about the miscalculations and not wanting to hurt anyone shows me that she is more of a winner than I originally thought. She is a Queen among friends and peers. I tip my hat, to you Ms. Hayley; you have shown grace under fire, humility and compassion throughout all this. I still believe you are the best winner of all.

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